Heart Wise Exercise Training

Becoming a Heart Wise Exercise designated fitness provider includes completing the training and the two most common delivery methods of the training program are outlined below. We encourage you to email us at heartwise@ottawaheart.ca if you are unsure about which training is appropriate for you or if you are renewing your training (recommended every two years).

We have partneres with Ontario Fitness Council and CanFitPro to provide CECs for our training program.


1) Attend our a virtual training webinar. 

No upcoming training webinars are scheduled at this time. Please email heartwise@ottawaheart.ca to be added to the mailing list. 

2) Complete the training by doing the online modules which can be purchased here.

The following modules are included in the full online training program:

  • Heart Wise Exercise Program Overview 
  • Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease
  • Introduction to Coronary Interventions 
  • Exercise and the Cardiac Participant 
  • Exercise and Diabetes
  • Exercise and Bone Health 
  • Exercise and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 
  • Exercise and Cancer
  • Motivating Clients to Exercise
  • Osteoarthritis: Increasing Long-Term Participation in Physical Activity
  • Exercise and Dementia
  • The Health Canada Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)
  • Community Exercise For Those with Non-Disabling Stroke & TIA
  • Community Exercise For Those With Disabling Stroke - Enabling Participation
  • Fall Prevention for Seniors
  • Introduction To Women's Heart Health
  • Women & Exercise: POTS, SCAD and Postpartum 

If you are interested in becoming a designated Heart Wise Exercise partner site review the Application Guide.  If you have any questions about the application process we encourage you to email us at heartwise@ottawaheart.ca!