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- For information about cardiac rehabilitation in the Renfrew County area call 613-761-4572 or email ffalerie@ottawaheart.ca
- To find a diabetes educator or information about diabetes, access the Champlain Diabetes Regional Coordination Centre website.
- To connect with a stroke prevention clinic in the Champlain region, access the Champlain Regional Stroke Network website.
- To find a pulmonary rehabilitation program near you, visit the Champlain Health Line website and use their interactive tool. This website also offers many other resources, including about exercise and COPD.
- Find out about the community paramedicine program of the County of Renfrew Paramedic Service at www.communityparamedic.ca
- The Champlain CVD Prevention Network (CCPN) is a group of health and community partners from across the Champlain District of Ontario. Initiated by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, the CCPN provides leadership in the implementation of a Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention Strategy. This strategy seeks to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke and ensure that the residents of the Champlain District are the most heart healthy and stroke-free in Canada. Find various resources including the Champlain Primary Care CVD Guideline on the CCPN website.